جمعه 18 مهر 1382

نامه اعتراض رهبر حزب چپ سوئد به محمد خاتمي، پيرامون حکم اعدام افسانه نوروزي [انگليسي]

To His Excellenency
The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Muhammad Khatemi

Stockholm 2003-10-06

It is well known all over the world that the Iranian judicial system is degenerating. The latest example that confirms this picture of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the death penalty of Afsaneh Noroozi. Asaneh Noroozi just defended herself and her honour as a woman, when ”Mr M”, a commander of the disciplinay forces intended to rape her and in in the turmoil that occurred by accident killed him.
Depite this fact the court has sentenced her to death by hanging.
Two important questions must be put.
Is it jusified by the Iranian juridical system that it is allowed to rape women if you are a member of the disciplinary forces?
Are women of the Islamic Republic not allowed to defend themselves and their honour if someone intend to rape them?
Has! the court that so easily sentenced Afsaneh Noroozi even thought of what will have happen to her innocent children?
We strongly condemn the death penalty of Afsaneh Noroozi as a crime against the UN Convention on Human Rigts!
We strongly condemn it also as a cruel and brutal crime against the UN Convention on Women´s Right.

Ulla Hoffman
Chairman of the Left Party of Sweden
Member of the Swedish Parliament

تبليغات خبرنامه گويا


حقوق‌بشر | بازديد 628 | نظر 3 | دنبالک 0 | نسخه قابل چاپ | بازگشت به بالاي صفحه 

فهرست زير سايت هايي هستند که به 'نامه اعتراض رهبر حزب چپ سوئد به محمد خاتمي، پيرامون حکم اعدام افسانه نوروزي [انگليسي]' لينک داده اند.
[ااا - October 13, 2003 10:02 AM]

داداش ترجمه ميكردي ديگه

[asra - October 11, 2003 10:38 PM]

maieie nang ast

[siavash - October 10, 2003 06:05 PM]

با سلام . براي خواندن متن فارسي مي توانيد به اين آدرس مراجعه كنيد:http://www.anonymization.net/http://news.iran-emrooz.de/more.php?id=532_0_7_0_M

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